Deceased Estates

If you have recently lost a loved one, we offer our sincere consolences. If you've found us on your own please know you will be in safe, experienced hands. should you wish to go ahead and sell your loved one's deceased estate with us. You may have your own personal emotional ties to the residence and we can assure you that we will be understanding and empathetic, follow your lead in terms of time frame and show incredible discretion when required.

We can offer advice and assistance on preparing the home for sale and will be able to put you in contact with a number of specialists should you require their help to work with us on the sale. For example, home contents sales, decluttering, garden and yard maintenance and minor rennovations and improvements.

If you are handling the deceased estate in the capacity of an Executor, rest assured that we appreciate the often complex role that you are charged. We have handled the sale of numerous, often complex estate sales with multiple beneficiaries over the years and we pride oursleves on our high level of communication and sensitivity.

If you are a solicitor and need an estimate of the property's value for probate we are happy to provide a complimentary market appraisal..

Testamonial from the Son (Vendor) of a recent Deceased estate September 2020 -

"Josh was very attentive and sensitive to the emotion involved in selling my childhood home .Josh thoroughly understood the changing realities of the real restate market in our area and communicated these to us in a clear and timely fashion . He used his extensive experience to suggest strategies to maximise the chances of a good sale. We always felt we were in great hands."

Property Appraisal