Useful Links

Whatever your interest in property, there are some excellent online resources available. Below are a selection of links that we find useful and that may assist you in your research:

Ku-ring-gai Council - The local government area in which a majority of the homes we sell are located. The website contains council, library, district and local history information. A good starting point to discover more about public facilities in the area such as parks and playgrounds or find out about local development and building requirements.

Ku-ring-gai Historical Society - This is the place to start if you are interested in the history of Ku-ring-gai or any of the many wonderful historic homes that can be found throughout the area.

Stamp Duty Information from the NSW Office of State Revenue - Includes links to a calculator and FAQ.

Land Tax Information from the Office of State Revenue - Includes a FAQ and is a useful resource for landlords and investors who may be concerned that they will be liable for land tax.

NSW Transport Info - A great website to find out all your public transport options. Just enter your origin and destination address and the time you wish to arrive and this website will show you which bus, train or ferry to catch to get there.

North Shore Times - Local weekly newspaper covering community news and events with a significant property section. A good way to browse for local property for sale and you can read everything on-line in their digital edition.

My School - The Upper North Shore is home to some of Sydney's best schools, both public and private, and this website makes it easy to find which schools are in your suburb.
