How Covid changed what we look for in a new home

The way we use and view our homes changed, possibly forever, last March when Sydney went into lockdown.

The way we use and view our homes changed, possibly forever, last March when Sydney went into lockdown. Suddenly people needed their home to function as a home office for remote working, a classroom for remote learning and a resort for holidaying at home. Spare rooms were cleaned out and re-purposed, backyards had kids running around in them every day and those with high speed internet, air-conditioning or solar power appreciated these additions more than ever. Even as the pandemic restrictions have eased in Sydney many of these lifestyle changes have lingered and have had a noticeable impact on what many buyers and tenants are seeking when it comes to finding a new home.

These are some key features that I feel will make your home more desirable in the current climate;

  • Home offices / dedicated work spaces are highly sought after. If you don’t already have a dedicated study consider repurposing an unused room or installing custom joinery into the corner of a living space to make it more a multi-purpose space. Properties with a floor plan that can comfortably accommodate working from home parents and studying children without compromising family living provide the ultimate flexibility and are more sought after than ever.  

  • In the past cabanas and pools houses were often under-utilised, especially during the colder months, but now they can be a much needed extra living/study/retreat space with families all at home together. With travel restrictions continuing to limit and disrupt holiday plans, having a cabana or pool house can allow you to entertain and relax or just get some much needed separation between kids and parents and make a ‘holiday at home’ just as satisfying. In some cases adding a cabana can be a simpler and less expensive exercise than adding a room to your existing home.     

  • Looking beyond the space a home has to offer, there are smaller improvements that can still give a home extra appeal to today’s potential buyers and tenants. Remote working, home schooling and Netflix binges are putting an unprecedented pressure on home internet connections and having a reliable, high speed service, such as fibre to the premises, has become a highly desirable feature that you can add to your property. To remain comfortable whilst using your ultra fast internet you may also want to install air conditioning or heating - another inclusion that has become increasingly sought after as people spend more time at home. One of the downsides of these creatures comforts is the power they consume. Solar panels and battery systems have become even more valuable as electricity consumption increases, especially during day time hours.

We are fortunate in Ku-ring-gai to often enjoy larger than average block sizes, great public facilities and some beautiful natural surrounds which have all contributed to make the area even more appealing compared to more heavily developed areas of Sydney. If you are interested in how the value of your home has fared in the current market or how you can further improve your property’s worth please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Josh Luschwitz

0412 067 676 / [email protected]


Find out how Luschwitz can help you sell your home
Posted on Monday, 15 February 2021
by Gemma Luschwitz in Latest News