Latest Trends In Swimming Pools With Premier Pools

Families looking to purchase or rent a home in Ku-ring-gai still rate having a pool as a key feature when searching for their ideal property. But what exactly are people looking for in a pool and what are the latest trends in design? We reached out to Premier Pool’s Director Damien Long and asked him some questions to find out more –

Q. What are the current design trends for pools?

A. In terms of current design trends I’d have to say spas have made a huge comeback! They were very popular in the late 80’s and early 90’s but went right out of vogue. We’d be doing one in three pools with a spa at the moment. The second thing is integration with outdoor living spaces, very close to the house and flush with outdoor rooms/alfresco call them what you will. Due to unfortunate changes in fencing laws only applying in NSW, spillway/infinity edge pools and pools with windows have become less popular.

Q. What is the average family pool size these days in Ku-ring-gai? 

A. The average pool size in Ku-Ring-Gai these days would be an 8 x 4, again going back to the 80’s or 90’s it would have been 9 x 4.5. If a pool is under 40,000 litres you do not have to install a rainwater tank and a lot of people don’t want to go to this expense or don’t have the room to put in a tank.

Q. For those clients who already have pools but are looking to give them a face lift, what do they typically do?

A. More and more, particularly in Ku-Ring-Gai, we are demolishing existing pools or partially demolishing and building inside the old pool with a new one. A lot of pools in the area were curved or kidney shaped and this is very much out of fashion, with clean straight lines the go.

Q. Who are your main clientele?

A. Our main clientele in the area are almost exclusively families with two or more children of mid to late primary school age., this is the perfect time to install a pool! A lot of work at the moment is knock down rebuilds, with people taking advantage of property values and low interest rates to build their dream home for not much more than a major renovation costs.

Q. How long is a typical new pool build and when is the best time of year to do it?

A. Depending on the difficulty of the job and the type of internal finish, the build time ranges from 10 – 12 weeks. Now is a fantastic time to get the ball rolling to have a pool ready in time for the October long weekend, particularly if an application has to go to Council.

To contact Damien visit

Posted on Monday, 21 March 2016
by Gemma Luschwitz in Latest News