Don't just dream of moving - do it!

Selling doesn't need to be that stressful. Make the decision on your own terms and plan now.

You will have heard it said, that “moving house is one of life’s most stressful events.” Well, I am here to tell you that this is simply not true and to encourage you to follow your heart and make that move before you need to.

Life is too short to stay in a home that is too small, too big, too far away from grandchildren, too much garden to upkeep or whatever your reason for hanging on! Have a little joie de vivre and take the plunge, the water isn’t really that deep! 

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” - Andy Warhol

In 1967 Holmes and Rahe developed a questionnaire called the Social Readjustment Rating Scale which is still used today when analysing life events in terms of stressfulness. It is interesting to note that a “change in residence” only featured close to the bottom of the ranking scale. Items that secured the top spots (ranking most to least stressful) included - 

•Death/Divorce/Separation from partner/spouse.

•Injury or Illness



•Health issues of a family member

•Birth/New addition to family

•Changes to working arrangements – new job, location move, promotion, demotion.

•Taking on a major mortgage/foreclosure of mortgage

•Family members leaving home

•Outstanding Personal achievement

All of these events were ranked considerably higher in terms of stress creation than the act of moving house! The issue I see is that often one of the above events becomes the catalyst for moving, which means that the stress associated with it all gets bundled together with the stress of moving, creating a perfect storm. Sometimes of course this can’t be avoided and selling up and moving on has to happen due to a life event, even if it wasn’t necessarily planned for, but this doesn’t always have to be the case… 

“Anticipate the difficult, by managing the easy” – Lao Tsu.

I will not deny that careful and considered planning is required, along with a considerable amount of effort but with the right agent to guide you and a reasonable timeframe to plan, your move can be a positive milestone in your life, moving onto something exciting and new with minimum stress. Perhaps your home is creating more stress in your life and downsizing for instance would both allow you to take advantage of the exceptional prices being achieved and free up your time to reconnect with friends and family and spend less time maintaining your property? Or it might enable you to take that long dreamed of overseas trip of a lifetime?

If moving is something that has been in the back of your mind for some time I’d encourage you to contact one of our agents to hear about the market and what we can do for you. All the team at Luschwitz have a long term view when it comes to property sales and they enjoy fostering mature relationships with clients spanning decades, sometimes even to multiple generations of the same family. Our agents can help you arrange pre-sale garden maintenance, house washing, painters and other tradespersons, give advice on styling and furnishing and much more.  

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” - Albert Einstein

With Luschwitz you are in very safe, capable hands.

Posted on Saturday, 27 August 2016
by Gemma Luschwitz in Selling