The search for land – dare to dream

A light and candid look at what needs to be considered and how to make the best of your land.

So, you have decided you want to build a new home on the North Shore. Do you have a design in mind or will you first purchase a block and then work with an architect to create something unique? You will no doubt have a specific budget and have worked out approximately how much you can afford to spend on your land, including stamp duty, before commencing your build. So what do you value most? Are you prepared to compromise in certain areas, for instance aspect/topography, to live in your dream location, perhaps in the catchment area for the school you want your children to attend? Or is the house design most important and will it make the decision on where to buy based on where the right block can be found?

Mark Blake, Luschwitz Director says “It’s all about sense of arrival – every house has to look the part when you arrive. The best site to build on is a level site or a site on the high side of the street so you can create an image and a lasting impression in people’s minds. Most buyers are afraid of battle-axe blocks as they want to be seen from the street, but I love them. The benefit is privacy and security, however building costs do tend to be lifted as access to the site can be a challenge.”

William Blake from Blake Studios believes "All blocks are subject to aspects of size, width, depth and orientation, in addition privacy and most of all location and proximity to amenity such as schools, transport and shops. All buyers rank these differently yet there are a few key aspects that will make for a more desirable outcome. With clever design and a deep understanding of the block all briefs are achievable with the right partnership between the client and an architect.

Fundamentally the better lifestyle block will orientate to the North at the rear, this maximises the natural light to living areas which are best located to private areas of the residence. No site is better or worse now days with clever engineering and a creative mind.

An unusual shaped block on a corner can contain the most iconic house in the street. Your architect should be able to help you look beyond the norm and let your innovation run wild!”

Here are some of the main attributes of a block that your architect, builder and you as a buyer should be considering when planning a new build:

  • Aspect: North to Rear is most sought after because you get the best natural light where the living areas are. Clever design in a new build can minimise the neagtives of a less than ideal aspect.
  • Width of street frontage: Will affect the configuration of your home. Consider your setbacks from boundaries especially in councils such as Ku-ring-gai.
  • Battleaxe blocks:  Can present issues with access. Does not have street appeal but can offer more privacy and security. A battleaxe block can give you the ability to orientate your house to achieve optimal aspect as there isn't the typical 'front' or 'back' to constrain the design.
  • Topography of land: Beyond the obvious impact on layout, the topography needs to be considered when dealing with water drainage from the block.
  • Trees: Depending on their location, species and size, tress can have an impact on design and the construction process.
  • Easements/Main sewer: Can present challenges and add complexity to a build, although in most cases any difficulties can be overcome with the right design and engineering.
  • Land composition: Modern construction methods mean almost any plan is achievable regardless of the soil composition, but it can have an impact on cost.
  • Zoning: Bushfire zones, conservation areas and general land zoning (eg. R2 vs. R3 vs. E4 etc.) can all have an influence on a new build's design and contruction.

Whilst there is a lot to consider when thinking about building a new home, with the right professional advice it is possible to think outside the box and discover your dream design may well be within reach! If you are on the look out for your ideal block contact us to register your requirements and we will make sure you are the first to know about any new listings.

Posted on Thursday, 29 September 2016
by Gemma Luschwitz in Buying