Pymble sales stats - Q1 2014 to Q3 2015

Movement in the median price and the volume of sales for houses and apartments in Pymble for each quarter from the start of 2014 to the end of September 2015

The graphs below show the movement in the median price and the volume of sales for houses (the first image) and apartments (the second image) in Pymble for each quarter from the start of 2014 to the end of September 2015.

No surprises to see the median house price growing steadily from Q3 2014 with the volume of sales on a downward trend (a reflection of the tight stock levels throught this period). Amazing growth in the median price of $500k in just 18 months! It will be very interesting see how things change in this last quarter given stock levels have risen and auction clearance rates fallen.

There are some big variations in the number of sales of apartments through this period and there are still a number of sales in new develpments that are yet to be reported. Despite this, there is a definite upward trend in the median price and I wouldn't be suprised to see this continue in the last quarter.  


Posted on Thursday, 05 November 2015
by Josh Luschwitz in Latest News