Ku-ring-gai Property Update for Monday 3rd September 2018

Our Ku-ring-gai Property Update For Monday 3rd September 2018

Here is our Ku-ring-gai Property Update For Monday 3rd September 2018. Spring is here and so are more listings with stock levels now consistently rising week to week. The number of auctions is still down around 15-20% in recent weekends compared to last year, but the market does seem to have settled into more of a rythm. Whilst a small interest rate rise such as that introduced by Westpac (followed by Adelaide Bank and Suncorp) is unlikely to have any noticeable impact on the North Shore, it shows that lending conditions are still quite restrictive and this will no doubt continue to temper the market in the coming months. 

Posted on Monday, 03 September 2018
by Josh Luschwitz in Local News