Routine Inspections

Regular routine inspections ensure a leased property is being well maintained in a manner that meet the expectations of the landlord. But what exactly are they all about? I chat to Chic Strachan, Property Manager to find out more.

Regular routine inspections ensure a leased property is being well maintained in a manner that meet the expectations of the landlord. But what exactly are they all about? I chat to Chic Strachan, Property Manager to find out more. 

How many routine inspections do our Property management department typically perform on a property in a year? 

We do two routine inspections a year on each property and we have our procedures and computer systems set-up to ensure this happens. One three months after the tenants have moved in and then again three months prior to the end of the 12 months lease so that we can see how the property has faired and to then justify a rental increase – keeping in mind that we have to give 60 days for a rental increase to the tenant.

What should Tenants and Landlords expect? 

We set up a mutually convenient time to do the inspection giving the tenants a two week notice and then they advise if they wish or wish not to be home at the inspection.  We advise them nicely that it is routine and we do take some pictures but are very mindful of nothing personal at the time of inspection. We provide tenants with verbal feedback after we have completed the inspection and we issue the landlord with a copy of the report.

Why are Routine Inspections so important?

Firstly, they are a guide to how the property is being maintained from the start and also for the owner’s it is a nice feeling for them to receive photos and a report on the cleanliness and tidiness of the home.  Furthermore, the tenant often reports at the time of the inspection if there are any issues and we can then get them rectified quickly to keep the tenant happy and landlord satisfied. 

What happens during your Routine Inspection?

We have a checklist which varies from property to property which we go through. We have some high level first impression checks mainly focused on general cleanliness and presentation. These give us a good overall indicator of how the tenant is caring for the property and can also reveal any possible breaches of lease conditions i.e. Unauthorised pets, too many inhabitants etc. We then perform checks at a more granular level - ensuring noted items are in working order, that high wear areas are being properly maintained and of course we don't  forget to review the condition of the grounds, pool and/or tennis court if relevant.

Do you have any advice for tenants to ensure the inspections are not stressful?

Don't look upon our inspection as an invasion of your privacy, rather focus on the opportunity to meet with us if you would like to show us anything in the property that may concern you. If you do not want to be home at the time we always leave our business card and a personal note e.g.  Thank you for keeping the home so neat and clean or if we are concerned about something just to let you know.

Posted on Wednesday, 08 February 2017
by Gemma Luschwitz in Renting